
Crystal Geyser EIR appeal goes to Board of Supervisors November 16


The hearing date for appeal of the County Planning Commission's approval for the Crystal Geyser project is set for Thursday, Nov 16th at 9am, Miner’s Inn in Yreka. This appeal has been jointly filed by W.A.T.E.R., the Gateway Neighborhood Association and the Winnemem Wintu Tribe. For more details of our appeal arguments you can see our Lawyer's appeal filing HERE.

We understand that public comments will be allowed.
In order to make our comments effective and accurate we are planning an

Informational meeting on
Tuesday November 14, 7PM
at the Mount Shasta City Library

to offer ideas and answer questions about comments to the Board at the hearing on Thursday. Please try to attend the Tuesday meeting if you want to speak on Thursday.

Please plan to attend the hearing to show your support:

Board of Supervisors Special Appeal Hearing

Thursday, November 16th at 9 AM

Miner’s Inn Convention Center in Yreka